Why I took a sabbatical and why you should consider one
In March, after 3.5 years working at Square and DoorDash - two incredible companies that I remain excited about - I left to take a creative sabbatical. I’ve spent the last few months surfing in Malibu and Mexico, reading, writing, meditating, taking cohort-based courses, diving into the world
Deferred Dreams: the other immigrant crisis
Immigrational risk, or why immigrants defer their dreams and become resigned to a life of corporate servitude.
Freedom isn't free: why financial freedom is a false goal
Financial freedom is just one step on the ladder of purpose.
Success = Doing what you said you would, consistently
Getting off the success treadmill.
My Guiding Principles
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. - Lao Tzu

Creative sprints and why 80% is good enough
There's a story I tell myself that "I'm not a creative person". That's why, when I picked up electronic music production last year with no background in music, it was a big deal. After going through a 16-week class, I produced my first track. A track that not only was

To get what you want, focus on what you control
Identify the things you control and focus exclusively on them. Everything else is chance.